Today I will share this tutorial to speed up internet connection in Windows XP and Windows Vista, 7 and 8. First of all we need to know that all windows have a system that backs up most of your internet connection bandwidth.
Now what we will do is free up bandwidth that can be used for browsing and downloads and speed up internet connection in windows. So here are the steps.
How to Speed Up Internet Connection With Easily
Changing the Bandwidth Settings in Windows
Perhaps many who do not yet know if the bandwidth for Internet connection in the Windows operating system is limited to 20 percent of the total bandwidth. Well, to eliminate the bandwidth limitation is owned by Windows, you can do some of the following tips.- Click the 'Start' button in Windows.
- Click on ' Run ' and type gpedit.msc in the blank field and click 'OK'.
- Select the 'Administrative Templates' and then click 'Network'.
- Once open click 'QoS Packet scheduler'.
- Change the setting to 'limit reservable bandwidth' to Enable.
- Change Bandwidth limit, from 20 to 0, and then click Apply > OK.
- Exit, and then restart the computer.
Go to the HARDWARE tab -> Device Manager ->
Now you will see the Device Manager window
Then go to Port -> Communication Port (double click to open it).
Once open you can see the Communication Port properties.
Next we open the Port Settings emotion - and now increase the "Bits per second" to 128000 and "Flow control" change to Hardware.
2. Type this coding in notepad and save it as a .Reg file and then run it. This will increase your internet speed when surfing and accelerate download speeds.
[ HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters ]
"SackOpts" = dword : 00000001
"TcpWindowSize" = dword : 0005ae4c
"Tcp1323Opts" = dword : 00000003
"DefaultTTL" = dword : 00000040
"EnablePMTUBHDetect" = dword : 00000000
"EnablePMTUDiscover y" = dword : 00000001
"GlobalMaxTcpWindow Size" = dword : 0005ae4c
3 . 20 % bandwidth backup window ,
to unreserve , follow the steps below:
a) Click Start
b ) Run : " gpedit . msc "
c ) go to : > Local Computer Policy
---- > Computer Configuration
---- > Administrative Templates
---- > Network -> QOS Packet Scheduler
---- > Limit reservable Bandwidth
d ) Double-click on Limit reservable bandwidth
e ) Select the Enable
f ) Change 20% to 0%
g ) Click Apply
DNS settings to OpenDNS
Another way that can be done to speed up the internet connection is by setting the Domain Name System (DNS) that you use to use OpenDNS. How this is done to change the IP Addrees the middle of your life with a new IP address owned by OpenDNS. How to perform DNS settings are as follows- Open the 'Control Panel'.
- Select the 'Network Connection'.
- Right-click the 'Local Area Connection' select Properties or 'Wireless Network Connection' if you are using a wireless connection.
- Select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and then click Properties.
- Click the 'Use Following DNS Server'.
- Fill with numbers Preferred DNS Server :
- Fill in the Alternate DNS Server with numbers :
- Then, click 'OK'.
Using additional software or applications
- Onspeed 6.0.9 : is software that is able to increase internet speeds up to 10 times. Tag this product line itself is Dial - up - 10x Faster, Broadband - 5x Faster, Mobile connections - 8x Faster.
- Flash Speed 200%, is a software that is claimed to speed up your internet connection up to 200% faster.
- There are many other software you can use to speed up internet connection, such as cFosSpeed , DSL Speed, Turbo Internet, Modem booster, Firefox Ultimate Optimizer, Google Web Accelerator, Fasterfox, and FullSpeed 2.7.
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